The objectives of the European Structural and Investment Funds of the European Union, which co-finance the Partnership Agreement (PA) 2014-2020, are implemented through Operational Programmes.
The Operational Programmes are multiannual programs that are effective throughout the programming period 2014-2020 and are related to sectors and/or geographic regions at international, national or local level.
The architecture of the PA 2014-2020 includes:
- Seven (7) Sectoral Operational Programmes
The Sectoral Operational Programmes (OP) are related to one or more sectors of the economic and social life and apply geographically across the whole country.
In particular, the Sectoral Operational Programmes of PA are the following:
- OP Competitiveness, Enterpreneurship and Innovation
- OP Transport Infrastructure, Environment and Sustainable Development
- OP Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning
- OP Public Sector Reform
- OP Techincal Assistance
- Rural Development Programme
- OP Fisheries and Maritime
- Thirteen (13) Regional Operational Programmes (ROP), one for each of the 13 administrative regions of the country, including regional-scale activities.
Moreover, Greece participates in European Territorial Cooperation programmes, five (5) of which are bilateral, that is, they are held in cooperation with the countries bordering Greece.
These programmes were drawn up by the competent authorities of the country, in cooperation and consultation with the socio-economic partners and were approved by the European Commission.
Each programme includes strategic priorities and indicative actions that shape its contribution to the achievement of the PA objectives and therefore the implementation of the EU strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
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