The ENI CBC “Mediterranean Sea Basin” Programme was adopted by the European Commission on 17 December 2015. The Joint Monitoring Committee, a body composed of 14 countries – Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Palestine, Portugal, Spain and Tunisia – was responsible for designing the strategy and implementing modalities of the new Programme.
The Programme structured in two overarching objectives declined in four thematic objectives and eleven priorities.
One of the biggest challenges of the cooperation area is to create economic opportunities and jobs to reduce high rates of unemployment: the thematic objective entitled 'Business and SMEs development' seeks to positively contribute to this situation through the support to start-up enterprises and the enhancement of Euro-Mediterranean value chains and clusters. Diversification of tourism into new segments and niches is also part of this first objective.
Innovation is a major driver for competitiveness and productivity of Mediterranean economies. The objective referring to 'Support to education, research, technological development and innovation' focuses on technological transfer, commercialisation of research results and links between industry and research.
'Promotion of social inclusion and fight against poverty' represents a new topic of the Programme. Issues to be addressed concern the support to the NEETS category (Not in Education, Employment or Training) as well to actors from the social and solidarity economy.
'Environmental protection, climate change adaptation and mitigation' continues to be a major field of intervention of the Programme. Efficiency in water, waste and energy management as well as conservation of coastal areas are set to contribute to a more sustainable Mediterranean region.
Over € 209 million have been granted by the European Union to the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme for the period 2014-2020.
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